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What You Should Know
About Pole

Reasons to Start Lyra or Pole Fitness

Physical Benefits:

Pole fitness and lyra is a full body workout. You can build muscle in a fairly short period of time, so it doesn't take long before you start to see results. You will be toning muscles in those "problem areas" (arms, back, waist, hips). Pole fitness will also improve your balance, coordination and agility as well as increase your flexibility and core strength.

Emotional Benefits:

Pole fitness and lyra deepen the mind-body connection, which you will learn to express through movement. It will boost your confidence and leave you feeling empowered. You'll discover more about body awareness and how to connect with it. In turn, connecting your emotions to your physical workout boosts those endorphins. 

It's So Much Fun:

With each class, you will learn more and you will soon realize you are more capable than you ever thought possible. There are always new tricks or combinations to work on. You will feel beautiful and discover new found strength and grace, and THAT is never boring.

Belonging & Friendship:

At Studio X Vertical Fitness you will be surrounded by positive, encouraging people in a non-judgmental environment. You will feel more optimistic in life, and you will form amazing friendships.  Our group fitness classes create a sense of camaraderie that you can't find anywhere else. You will help motivate, inspire, and cheer each other on. 

Learn New Skills:

Pole fitness is neither sleazy nor does it come anywhere close to fitting that unfortunate stigma that can be associated with it. As your skills improve with each class and your body gets toned, you will amaze the people in your life, but most importantly it will impress you!

Misconceptions & Excuses

I need to lose weight. I'm too heavy.

Not true. Women of all ages, shapes and sizes can do pole fitness. You do not need to be skinny to get started. Our poles and lyras are capable of holding a weight limit of 250 pounds, BUT not all moves require you to put your weight on the pole.

If losing weight is your goal, taking classes regularly will help you do it. You will be having so much fun you will forget you are even working out!

I don't have enough upper body strength.

Not true. Everyone has to start somewhere. If you have enough strength to go to the gym, you have enough strength to come to Studio X Vertical Fitness. Many beginner pole dance moves require no upper body strength whatsoever. The moves and tricks we teach in pole and lyra can fit any fitness level and level of ability. As you gradually build strength with each practice, the range of skills you are able to do will increase.  

I'm too old.

Not true. There is no such thing as too old! Many of our clients are middle-aged or older. If they can do it, so can you!

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